
Sophos Safeguard File Encryption For Mac

  1. Sophos Safeguard File Encryption For Mac
  2. Sophos Disk Encryption

Data security is one of the top priority when dealing with sensitive data. In recent times, we have been listening a lot about data leaks, server hack etc. Full data encryption is one of the solution which helps to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive data. But manual encrypting every time and every files is cumbersome and prone to misses. For this, Sophos, world’s leader in encryption of software, introduced Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 which promises to provide always on file level encryption. Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 uses data centric protection approach to encryption.

This provides an easy way to protect your data against theft, breach or accidental exposure regardless of where and how the data is travelling. As it is has the always on encryption, data protection starts as soon as the file is created.

The encryption follows even if the data is saved or shared internally or externally. Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 is the first platform to provide persistent, transparent and proactive encryption that protects files across Windows, Mac, iOS or Android platforms by default. It also provides an option to administrators for setting the default app for any kind of files. This will become the trusted app for that file type. Apart from that app, no other app can open the files which is an added security to the data. Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 provides always on encryption. When a file created it gets automatically encrypted.

The file icon will have the locked symbol. Any device within the network can view the files without using the password. The encrypted files which are shared via email within the networks can also be opened without the password. Sophos SafeGuard easily integrates Sophos mobile control. It provides an option to view, use and share the files which are created in Mac or Windows system regardless of your mobile operating system.

If you want to open encrypted file received via email in your mobile device, save it on the secure workplace container. Login to the secure workplace. Click on the files to view. Once again no need of password to access the files.

If you want to share the encrypted file outside the network which does not uses Sophos SafeGuard Encryption, you have the option to add password. The end user need to enter the password to open the file.

Sophos Safeguard File Encryption For Mac

Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 How it works Video guide Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8 Features. Encryption starts from the creation of the file. Users can easily collaborate on encrypted documents from Windows, Mac, iOS and Android platforms and devices. Businesses can accelerate compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), HIPAA and other required data privacy standards. Sophos SafeGuard 8 is enabled to directly communicate with endpoint protection as part of Sophos’ synchronized security strategy. Provides an option to create password to the encrypted files to share with others users who are not in the Sophos platform.

At Sophos, we’re committed to taking a fresh approach to complex problems. In November, we announced: no longer does security mean making sense of piecemeal tools and reacting to alerts. With synchronized security, your security solutions communicate with each other both across the network and on endpoints to mitigate risks and stop data loss instantly.

Sophos Safeguard File Encryption For Mac

A sophisticated security program shouldn’t just be limited to protection at the firewall and endpoint level of course – your files need to be protected too, wherever they reside, at all times. That’s why – launched today – now offers automatic, always-on file-level encryption on endpoints, mobile devices and in cloud storage — across Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. No longer does file-level encryption mean lengthy set-up by administrators or hand-selecting what files to encrypt. Your users’ files start by default with the highest level of security to keep their sensitive information out of the wrong hands, and from there they can choose to opt-out specific files.


Better yet, it’s all made even more effective and effortless with, our coordinated incident response technology. Three dimensional trust delivers the most secure file-level encryption available Most encryption technology relies on “user-level trust” which authenticates a user in order to give that person access to the appropriate data.

However, if a user’s credentials are compromised then it’s easy for a hacker to gain access to encrypted data. Sophos takes authentication to a whole new level by verifying trust in 3 dimensions – user, application, and device. So even if a hacker gained access to your credentials, they are still unable to read encrypted data if they are using a foreign device or application. This level of verification is an industry first and is transparent to the user. The only time your end users will even know their files are protected by encryption is if they’re trying to access something they shouldn’t be. Encryption works seamlessly with synchronized security Encryption has always been a core solution for data protection, but we’ve now enabled it as a threat protection technology through integration with our synchronized security capability. For example, if an endpoint detects a compromise, the system health status is changed from a “green” state to “red”, indicating the system is no longer trusted.

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Sophos Disk Encryption

No matter how they got in, the attacker is stopped dead in their tracks from getting access to sensitive data. Once the situation is resolved, and the endpoint’s health status is restored to a “green” state, the encryption keys are automatically replaced and the user regains access to all of the encrypted data on the system. This same easy and automatic protection applies to all endpoints and files on your network. SafeGuard Encryption 8 delivers next-gen data protection across your entire enterprise from mobile phones to tablets, and from endpoints to cloud storage. This technology is available today from Sophos. You can learn more about Sophos SafeGuard Encryption, and more about our synchronized security technology at.