
Art Class, 3rd On Flowvella

The Aztecs emerged in 1150 when the toltec empire fell. The Toltecs had established their state in Tula, which was to the north of what would become Tenochtitlan. Their empire spread through most of central Mexico. The Aztec city of Tenochtitlan could support itself. Since it was a small village, farming was managed through the chinampa method of agriculture, used throughout Mesoamerica. As the population grew 100,000 to 300,000 people were farmers. They would leave early in the morning and come back home late at night.

  1. Art Class 3rd On Flowvella For Mac
  2. Art Class 3rd On Flowvella Review

Art Class 3rd On Flowvella For Mac


Art Class 3rd On Flowvella Review

The bulk of the economy depended on extensive trade of necessary and luxury items.